Do Not Put These Foods in Your Fridge

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24. Butternut Squash

Let’s delve into the world of squash and why refrigeration might not be the best move for this versatile and delicious product. If you’re a frequent user of squash, it’s only natural to think that the fridge is the go-to spot for preserving its freshness. But hold on just a second! Placing squash in the fridge is a bit like putting a damper on its glorious potential. The moment you tuck that butternut squash into the chilly confines of the fridge, its quality takes a nosedive, and before you know it, you’re bidding farewell to a rotten squash. What a waste!

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But fear not, there’s a better way to extend the shelf life of this delightful veggie. If you find yourself with more squash than you can consume within a few days, consider cutting it into convenient pieces and sealing them in an airtight bag, like a trusty zip-lock bag, before sending them off to the freezer. By taking this simple step, you’re ensuring that your squash stays as fresh as can be, ready to shine in your culinary creations whenever the time is right.

Now, let’s talk about the amazing potential of squash. Oh, it’s a true culinary chameleon! A whole butternut squash can be transformed into a myriad of delicious dishes within a few days. From hearty soups and luscious purées to delightful barbeque additions and comforting stews, squash knows how to play its part in creating scrumptious meals. So, whether you’re a soup enthusiast or a barbeque aficionado, squash has got you covered with its culinary versatility.

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