Do Not Put These Foods in Your Fridge

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19. Olive Oil

Olive oil, the liquid gold that elevates our culinary creations, has some strong opinions when it comes to the fridge – it’s a big no-no for this precious elixir. Let’s unveil the reasons why olive oil prefers to stay away from the cold and why you should treat it with care.

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When you store olive oil in the fridge, the cold temperature can cause it to solidify and turn cloudy. It’s like the oil is having an identity crisis, and nobody wants that! Solidified olive oil can also become grainy and lose its smooth texture, which is not ideal when you want to drizzle it gracefully over a salad or use it for cooking. Moreover, the fridge can introduce humidity, and that’s a big problem for olive oil. Humidity can lead to the formation of water droplets inside the oil container, which can spoil its quality and flavor. Nobody wants diluted or rancid olive oil ruining their dishes, right? So, keep your olive oil far away from the fridge and find it a nice spot in your pantry or cupboard.

And here’s the truth – if you have high-quality extra virgin olive oil, it already has a long shelf life when stored properly. The key is to keep it away from heat, light, and air – not in the cold embrace of the fridge. So, treat your olive oil with care, and it will reward you with its full-bodied taste and fragrant aroma in all your culinary adventures!

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