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#21 Veggie Chips

Veggie chips have become a popular snack choice for those seeking healthier alternatives to traditional potato chips. However, it’s important to be aware of certain factors when it comes to veggie chips. While they may be made from vegetables, many store-bought veggie chips undergo processes like deep-frying or heavy seasoning, which can reduce their nutritional value and increase their calorie and sodium content.

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It’s worth noting that not all veggie chips are created equal. Some brands may use minimal processing and retain more of the natural nutrients and flavors of the vegetables. Reading ingredient labels and opting for brands that use real vegetables with minimal added oils, salts, or preservatives can be a better choice. Alternatively, you can make your own veggie chips at home by thinly slicing vegetables like sweet potatoes, zucchini, or kale and baking them with a light drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt.

While veggie chips can offer a more nutrient-rich option compared to traditional potato chips, it’s important to remember that they should still be consumed in moderation. They can be a convenient way to incorporate vegetables into your snacking routine, but they should not replace the benefits of consuming whole vegetables in their natural form. Pairing veggie chips with protein-rich dips or enjoying them alongside fresh vegetables can help create a balanced snack that provides a range of nutrients.

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