What Are the Most Common Birth Control Methods?

Having a rich romantic life is important, and for most people that will include a sexual element. In many cases, that sexual element will be an integral part of starting a family, but those feelings are far from universal. If you or your partner are of childbearing age, having access to effective birth control is essential for protecting your (sexual) health.  How do you know which birth control methods are the best? And how do you gain access to the contraceptive you need? Here are some of the best options for men and women.

Caucasian Women with Brown Hair Green Eyes and a Yellow T shirt Thinking About Different Kinds of Birth Control

Condoms as Birth Control Option

Sometimes the best forms of birth control are also the oldest. Condoms are around for hundreds of years, and this time-tested pregnancy prevention method is successful ever since. One of the biggest advantages of condoms as a birth control option is that these simple barriers can do double duty. Condoms are highly effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies. Especially when used with spermicidal gels. They can also prevent the transmission of STDs. Which is a big benefit in a world where serious sexually transmitted diseases are still around.


The intrauterine device, or IUD, is another popular form that provides important benefits for men and women alike. For women, an IUD provides ongoing protection from unwanted pregnancies, all without the hormonal disruptions that accompany the use of these pills. IUDs also allow for greater spontaneity in the bedroom, something women and their partners are sure to appreciate. Instead of looking for a condom or taking time to insert a female form of birth control, couples can simply enjoy the moment without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. Do know, however, that IUDs do not protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, so using a condom can provide an extra layer of safety.

Birth Control Pills

The birth control pill is an important advance in sexual freedom, so much, so that it is credited with starting the sexual revolution in the 1960s. Even today, this contraceptive allows women around the world to control their own reproduction, preventing unplanned pregnancies, and making family planning easier.

Zoomed in Picture of a Caucasian Woman Pushing a Birth Control Pill out of the Strip

Birth control pills are highly effective when used properly, as they must be taken on a daily basis. Vigilance is definitely required. Women who use this method should talk to their doctors because hormonal birth control increases the risk of some potentially serious illnesses.


For men who want to take the lead in preventing unwanted pregnancy, vasectomy can be an excellent option. This permanent form of birth control is an excellent choice for men whose families are complete. As well as those who decided they do not want any children. Even if those men change their minds later on, their vasectomies can generally be reversed. This, combined with near-perfect effectiveness, makes vasectomy a great option, one man should consider as a gift to their partner.

Unless you’re actively trying to get pregnant, having an effective form of birth control is essential for all. Good sex is an integral part of most romantic relationships. Knowing that a pregnancy will not occur just makes the sex that much better. When choosing the right contraceptive it’s vital to discuss this with your partner and professional healthcare provider. However, the biggest factor is how you feel about it. Make sure you make a well-informed decision, by doing extensive online research. To help you on your way, check our relevant searches.

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