15 Most Common Flu Symptoms & What You Should Do Next

11. Dizziness

Dizziness can be a symptom of severe influenza, usually due to dehydration. With influenza, you’re usually sweating a lot, and you might not be able to drink or eat, causing you to get dehydrated. Dehydration is severely dangerous if not treated on time and that’s why dizziness should be an immediate warning sign to see a doctor.

Man Coughing

12. Ear Infections

If you weren’t feeling bad enough and continue working while having (minor) symptoms, you might develop ear infections if your flu is left untreated. Ear infections can be quite painful and should be treated, so make sure to contact your professional healthcare provider. Your provider will examine the infection and prescribe the right medication/ treatment plan.

13. Shortness Of Breath

Getting shortness of breath is a common sign of influenza, but it can also be a warning sign of something much worse. If you are really struggling with breathing, make sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

14. Not Urinating

Not urinating is caused by severe dehydration and if you still can’t drink anything, you should consider going to a doctor or hospital to see if you need to get an intravenous drip to get fluids in your body. Dehydration, when severe, is dangerous and can possibly be life-threatening, so don’t take this symptom lightly.

15. Confusion

Untreated and severe influenza can cause a person to become confused. This is a big warning sign, and it’s smart to visit a doctor to get yourself or your loved one with influenza checked out.

Risk Groups & Treatment Options for Flu Symptoms

Influenza doesn’t usually need treatment. Drinking plenty of water and resting are the basic treatment plan. However, sometimes flu symptoms won’t go away without treatment. Contact your professional healthcare provider if your symptoms won’t pass & are severe, or when you experience the above-mentioned symptoms. Your provider will examine you – and your symptoms – and set up the right treatment plan. Medications for influenza are anti-viral and will shorten your illness (by a day) and help prevent complications.

Influenza can be a risky illness if you fall into a high-risk group. In this case, you’re at risk of developing complications, which can be deathly. Complications of influenza, include pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and heart problems. Risk groups for influenza are:

  • Children under the age of 2
  • Adults older than 65
  • People who suffer from chronic illnesses, like diabetes & asthma
  • People with weakened immune systems
  • Being American Indians or Alaska Natives
  • Pregnant women
  • Having obesity
  • People under 19 taking aspirin
  • People working or living in facilities with many people, like nursing homes or hospitals

Make sure you’re completely informed on the subject, by continuing your online research for more information about influenza, what causes this virus, more influenza symptoms, and what possible home remedies can speed up the process of getting better from the flu.

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