Migraine: Possible Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Headache Is the Most Common Symptom

Migraine equals headache. Everyone knows that yet many other symptoms accompany a migraine attack.  You already read that there is a type of migraine where you don’t get headaches at all. So this means that when you suffer from this, you don’t get a headache, but you do suffer from many other symptoms associated with migraine. Also, headache is a broad term – literally. You may suffer from a stabbing pain in the middle of your head, or suffer from a throbbing and nagging pain coming from the neck, or pressure behind the eyes and temples that causes a headache.

Cute infographic of Migraine and stages

Warning Signs of Migraine

Before we tell you about migraine signs and symptoms, in good to know that most migraine attacks consist of (4) stages. Every stage has its symptoms. The first stage is called ‘the prodrome stage’ and possible symptoms are: fatigue, nausea, increased urination, constipation, sensitivity to light and sound, etc. The second stage is called ‘the aura stage’ and possible symptoms are: numbness and tingling sensations, visual phenomena, temporary loss of sight, weakness on one side of the body/face, and difficulty speaking.

The third stage is called ‘the attack or headache stage’, symptoms may include: neck pain, stiffness, depression, anxiety, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to light, smell & sound. The last stage is called ‘the post-drome stage’ and possible symptoms are: depressed or euphoric mood, problems concentrating, fatigue, and lack of comprehension.

We can’t say it often enough. Each person with a migraine is different, so the symptoms or placements may also be different. Some suffer from different symptoms, while others do not suffer at all, for example, ‘the aura stage’. As if the above symptoms were not enough, there are also general symptoms that can come up as a result of migraine headaches, they include:

  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Pale skin color
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sweating or getting the chills
  • Tender scalp

Continue reading on the next page, and discover, among others, how migraines are treated these days

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