15 Most Common Flu Symptoms & What You Should Do Next

It’s flu season, which means you want to be sure you’ve caught influenza and not just a common cold. After all, you don’t want to infect someone else with it. Influenza, also known as the flu, is a highly contagious viral infection and every year, 3% to 11% of Americans get the flu and develop the flu. It attacks the respiratory system and when you catch it, you’ll probably feel miserable due to the flu symptoms most people experience. The big question is: when do I suffer from influenza, and when are you just feeling under the weather?

Woman with the Flu

Most Common Flu Symptoms

1. Fever

Fever is the number one symptom of influenza. Even though fevers can also be caused by many other diseases, influenza is the number one cause. With a fever, your body temperature rises up to an uncomfortable and sometimes even dangerous temperature. It usually takes about 3-4 days for the fever to reduce. Typically, fevers don’t go higher than 41 to 42 °C. From these temperatures, it becomes life-threatening, and you should see a doctor.

2. Chills

Feeling chilly is a symptom of influenza, but is actually caused by fever. Even though your body temperature is high, you might feel cold. It feels as if, even though you’re packed with blankets, you can’t get warm. In reality, your body is way too warm, and wrapping yourself with thick blankets won’t make you feel any better.

3. Extreme Perspiration

Extreme perspiration is also a symptom that is caused by fever but also indicates that you’re suffering from influenza. It can cause you to feel uncomfortable and gross, but that’s nothing a shower can’t solve. Make sure to hydrate if you suffer from this symptom because extreme perspiration can cause dehydration, which can have life-threatening complications. What these complications are and how to recognize dehydration? You can read it here

4. Severely Painful Muscles

Highly typical for influenza are sore muscles. It feels like you’ve run a marathon and like you’ve got muscle strain from the extreme workout. In reality, the flu has affected your body’s cells, making your muscles achy. Continue reading on the next page for more influenza symptoms you should look out for.

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