Sciatica: Causes, Warning Signs & Treatment Options

We’ve already talked about the nerve pain running through the sciatic nerve. This pain can radiate from the lower back all the way to the fibula and beyond. It may also be the case that you only experience pain in a particular area. Think only in the calf or thigh. These are not the only symptoms from which you can tell that you are suffering from sciatica…

Spinal Pain Woman with Back Pain on Gray Background Back Injury Photo with Marked Skeleton

Symptoms of Sciatica

People suffering from sciatica also experience numbness, tingling, and or sharp pins and needles sensation in the back of the affected leg. You may also experience weakness in the affected leg and foot – usually sciatica is in one leg – that is described as a heaviness that makes it difficult to raise the foot and/or leg. Symptoms can vary per person, so you don’t necessarily have to suffer from this. It’s possible that you only suffer from nerve pain in the sciatic nerve. The pain also varies per person, not only where it is located in the body, but also how bad it is. For example, pain in the leg is often more severe than pain in the lower back.

Does a change in posture help relieve the pain? Sometimes, it can also increase pain. For instance, the nerve pain may feel worse when you sit, try to stand up, or stand for a long time. Laying down can also aggravate the pain, which causes you to sleep poorly. Sleeping positions that may help are: sleeping on your back, with slightly elevated knees – with the help of a pillow – or lying on your side with a pillow between the legs.

Treatment Options

Sciatica is abnormal nerve pain in the sciatic nerve, treatment options should therefore be aimed at reducing or relieving the pain. Fortunately, with today’s medical knowledge, we have found several ways to do so. For many options, you don’t even need to see a doctor – though, of course, it is very important to be diagnosed with sciatica first before self-treating it. Options are foam rolling, yoga, acupuncture, weight loss, heating pads & blankets, exercise, and massages.

There are also treatments that do require you to visit your healthcare provider. These include medication, physical therapy, hot – and cold therapy, and chiropractic treatments. It’s important to seek treatment options that suit you, that’s why you should always do your own online research. To make it easier for you, start your online search here:

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