Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms & Treatments


Don’t panic immediately if you are reading this, but tiredness is also an early symptom of MS. I’m not talking about tiredness because you’d have a bad and busy week or have been sleeping badly for a few days. Nope, I’m talking about an unexplainable tiredness and weakness. This occurs when nerves in the spine deteriorate. Usually, the tiredness appears suddenly and it takes weeks before it goes away again. The weakness is most noticeable in the legs. As a result, many MS patients end up in a wheelchair.

Detail of a man with a wheelchair in a park.

Sexual Dysfunction

People with MS may experience sexual problems such as less desire for sex and pain during intercourse. Erectile dysfunction and orgasm problems can also occur. This is because the central nervous system does not function properly, which, of course, causes problems “down there” as well.

Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Despite all the research being done into the disease, there is no cure. However, there are several treatments to counteract pain and slow down the progression of disability. And reduce the frequency of the attacks, or help your body stay strong. In case you suspect you might suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, it’s very important to get tested. Also, make sure to do extensive online research about other MS symptoms and (new) treatments.

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